Wednesday, November 3, 2010
One Month Ago...
One of my favorite things about having Aliyah in our lives now is how much Elijah loves her. He gets so happy every morning when Aliyah wakes up. He runs over and talks to her in a baby voice and says hello and good morning and gives her a kiss and hug. He often asks me if I can bring Aliyah into his room to play. We either put her in her bouncy seat (which doesn't work) or we lay her on his bed. His favorite is when we lay her on his bed because he thinks it's so funny. He also always runs and gets her a blanket if she doesn't have one on her. He shows her his cars. He talks to her about what he has done all day. It's just so cute. And the other super cute part is that Aliyah is always listening to him and watching him. I am pretty sure that he is her favorite person to listen to because he's always talking and he's always excited about whatever he's talking about! :)
Aliyah has grown so much more alert in this first month. She smiles at us now and I think she's trying to laugh sometimes, but it doesn't quite come out right. :) She watches everything intently with her big eyes. She is starting to stay awake every day for around 2 or 3 hours at a time. She does still sleep most of the time. She is now sleeping in her own crib. She is breastfeeding like a champ now. She doesn't cry too much. She loves to cuddle and I think she would prefer if we held her the entire time she is sleeping, but she's starting to sleep for longer intervals. During the day she only sleeps for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, but at night she sleeps for at least 3 hours at a time. She was sleeping 4 hours, but then we switched her to her crib and she's getting used to it. When she starts to get upset, she makes these little dinosaur cries, so I call her my little "Allisaurus." She's too sweet for words. I love her so much!
Anyway, our lives were forever changed a month ago when we welcomed this adorable little baby girl into our family. I am so thankful that God blessed me with her. I love her so much already, and I just know God had huge plans for her life! Thank You, Jesus for giving me the little girl I've ALWAYS WANTED, and the best big boy I could have ever asked for, too! I love my kids!!!! :)
Monday, November 1, 2010
A Strength I Underestimate...
It just amazes me that at times when I feel so overwhelmed and stressed with things, I forget how strong I am. God has always given me the exact strength I need to get through every tough situation I've been through, so why would I doubt that he would give me the strength to overcome this sickness last weekend? I would say that from now on I'm going to remember that I'll be able to get through anything, but I'm sure I'll forget by the time the next big trial comes my way. Although, I think that's okay because everytime I feel that much more grateful for the love and strength of God for helping me through! :) Anyway, I'm just thankful that I didn't give up on breastfeeding and that I got sick this last weekend instead of this coming weekend when AJ will be gone the entire time! Praise the Lord!!!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
My Thoughts On...
So, I formula-fed Elijah because I knew I was going back to work after 3 months and it just seemed like the best option for me at the time. I was also kind of wierded out about breastfeeding, so it was an easy decision for me not to do it. Well, 3 years later, I felt completely different on the subject of breastfeeding. I had talked to my sister in law Emily about it a lot and some other people and I really had such a desire to breastfeed this time. I was told it might hurt at first, but that it was worth it if you stick it out.
I am 2 and a half weeks into breastfeeding my little girl and I feel like I have learned so much and am close to being a pro at it! I have to say, though, that it was not at all what I expected. Here are my thoughts on it...
~ It hurts like CRAZY at first! I had to wait til Monday to see a lactation consultant at the hospital, and Aliyah was born Sunday evening, so for that whole first day I was doing it wrong. Well, that resulted in me being VERY sore and dreading every single time that Aliyah was hungry!
~I feel like I am a machine at times, and my whole purpose in life is to provide milk for my baby any time she's hungry! (which is ALL THE TIME it seems!)
~I have been avoiding going out in public with Aliyah too much because I am afraid of having to feed her in public.
These thoughts were mostly what I had the first couple weeks, but the last few days...these are my new thoughts on breastfeeding....
~I am amazed after this easy delivery and breastfeeding my baby girl what my body is capable of. I have a new love for it and a big desire to take care of it and get back into the shape I'm meant to be in!
~I love that I am the only one who feeds Aliyah. I love that I make milk that is perfectly formulated for her little body. It's amazing and quite a miracle. I feel blessed that I get to experience this.
~It no longer hurts like crazy, so I no longer dread feeding her. She also seems to be going a little bit longer between meals and eating more during her feedings, which has enabled me to get some much needed cleaning done and do some things that I like doing by myself.
~She is such a happy baby. She only cries when she's hungry, and she doesn't seem to have tummy problems the way Elijah always did from formula feeding. He used to have the hardest time pooping, and she doesn't have those problems.
~I wish I could go back and breastfeed Elijah. I feel like I cheated him out of something really good, but I look at him and realize that he's fine, healthy, and happy, and it makes me feel like it's okay. I would do it differently if I could go back, but I can't so there's no point in regretting my decision not to breastfeed him.
~I LOVE not having to wash a lot of bottles! We don't have a dishwasher, so it's nice that I never have to wash one!
~It is so convenient to feed her at night! She is sleeping in our room with us right now, so I just have to sit up, feed her, maybe change her if she needs it, then lay down and go right back to sleep! I feel WAY LESS sleep deprived than I ever did with Elijah! It's really nice! I plan on transistioning her into her own room by 6 weeks, but I'm really enjoying this this time with her right now!
Well, these are my thoughts on breastfeeding! I am still quite new at it, so I'm sure I'll have more thoughts on it later, but I am really glad I chose to do this! It has been a great decision for us! :) And, if anyone ever wanted advice, I would say stick it out because it gets much easier and less painful the more you do it! :)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Big Brother
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The Birth Story...
I want to remember the birth story this time because I really don't remember much of Elijah's. I decided that I should blog about it while it is still fresh in my memory! So here it goes...
Her official due date was October 3, 2010. At 4:30 am on October 3, Elijah woke up crying out for Daddy. I woke AJ up and asked him to go see if he needed anything because I knew that it would take me a while to make it down there. When AJ got out of bed, I rolled over and felt this gush of fluid. I thought "what?! I'm peeing my pants?!" So, I got up and went downstairs to the bathroom. I went potty and when I stood up, I was still leaking everywhere! That's when I water had broke! Luckily, Nikki (my sister) was in Nappanee at a scrapbooking retreat that weekend, so I called her and she came to get Elijah. I took a shower, got ready, packed a few last minute things, AJ showered, got ready, packed some stuff, and off we went to the hospital. I wasn't in a super huge rush because I wasn't having contractions at all. So, we stopped at McDonald's before we went for breakfast. I could hardly eat anything, though, because I was so excited, but I knew I should eat something before I went so that I would have more energy to get through the long day!
We arrived at the hospital around 7 am. We checked in, they checked to see if it was my water that broke, and it was. When I first got there, I was only 25% effaced and 1 1/2 cm dilated. We walked around for a long time to see if anything would start on it's own. At about 9:20, I was given 1/4 of a pill of cytotech in my cervix to help soften things up. I then started having pretty regular contractions. We walked and walked. AJ took a nap while I walked some more. At 1:15, they checked me and I was only dilated to 3 cm, so they gave me pitocen to help speed things up. My contractions became pretty intense. I was able to sit on the fitness ball, though, and that really helped. Well, Aliyah decided she didn't like the external heart monitor, so after trying over and over to keep her heart on the monitor, they decided I needed an internal heart monitor so they could make she she was doing okay throughout the labor. They put one in, and it didn't stick. They had to try to get it out, and that hurt so much that I involuntarily started crying. Then I was getting contractions while the nurse was trying to get the monitor out, it just was really hard. They finally cut it and then took it out without trying to untangle it. Then they tried 2 more times to get the monitor in, and they finally did on the 3rd try. The nurse said that Aliyah must have a lot of hair because the only time they have so much trouble is when the baby has a lot of hair. That was the only comforting thing about having to have them try 3 times! :) The internal heart monitor wouldn't register on the mobile monitor, so after they put it in, I was confined to my bed to deal with the contractions.
When they checked me at 4, I was still only 4 cm dilated, so because I wasn't allowed to take a shower or sit on the fitness ball, I asked for the epidural. At 4:16, I got the epidural, and as soon as it was in, I felt so much better. I layed down and took a little nap. At 6, they checked me again, and I was 5 cm dilated. She had me roll over on my side with my leg over a pillow, so I was almost laying on my tummy. She said if I felt the urge to poop to let her know because it probably means I'm ready to push. Not even kidding, at 6:30 pm, I started feeling the urge to push, and it was during contractions when I would feel that. I thought for sure that it was too early. I had only been 5 cm dilated half an hour ago! So, I waited about 15 minutes, and the feeling only got more and more intense. I called the nurse in, she checked me, and said "Yup! You are 10 cm dilated and her head is RIGHT there!" She called the doctor, who was all set up and ready to go by 6:55 pm. I was shaking so hard, which they said was a sign I was ready to push. The nurses were AMAZING at coaching me on how to push. AJ was, too. He was so encouraging throughout the whole day. I pushed through 3 or 4 contractions, and out she came at 7:06 p.m. on her due date! They put her right on my chest to clean her up and said that the next hour was mommy and Aliyah time. They said not to worry about her crying, that it wasn't quiet time and by crying she would get all the gunk out of her lungs that she needed to. So for an hour, I held her on my chest and looked at her and memorized everything about her. I fell in love as soon as I saw her! :)
They weighed her after the hour and did the bloodwork and everything for us. She weighted 7 lbs 1 oz and was 19 inches long. Perfectly tiny. She has dark hair...we think it's black, but if not, it's dark dark brown. We can't really tell what color eyes she has yet...they look dark, but they'll become more of a color in the next few weeks. We could tell Elijah's eyes were blue right away, so she might have dark eyes. I don't really know.
Anyway, that's the birth story! It was the best experience ever...I had the same nurse the whole day. She thought she wouldn't be there for the birth, but at the end of her shift, Aliyah came on out, so it was perfect! From the time my water broke til the time I had Aliyah it was only 14 1/2 hours. And from the time my active labor started, it was only a little less than 6 hours! It was really fast and perfect!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
On another note, the Apple Festival is this weekend, and I saw the tents being set up in town tonight. I got really excited. Fall is my favorite time of year. It starts getting cooler, the holidays are all coming up, the stores are starting to get decorations for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and the Apple Festival always seems like it's the start of this amazing season! I love to walk down there every evening with AJ and Elijah and look at the booths, see people we know, get some good food, and just enjoy our little town. I guess you guys know what I'll be doing all weekend now. I will be enjoying the festival! :) The weather report looks good...I am thinking we'll even have to wear hooded sweatshirts at night! I LOVE FALL!!! wouldn't be a proper post without saying something about Aliyah's upcoming I'll end with this....17 days left!!! Yeah! :)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Okay...I'm Ready!
I already have my diaper bag for Aliyah. It is packed and ready to go! I have made a packing list for the hospital for me so that I will be able to throw that together really fast when the time comes to leave. I need to figure out where Elijah will be going for sure and have a bag packed for him soon. I know exactly where to go in the hospital and what to say when I get there. Aliyah's room is totally ready.
The doctor told me today that at 38 weeks they will strip my membranes, which is what the doctor did 3 days after my due date with Elijah and put me into labor right away. She also told me that they do not want me to go more than a week over my due date, so around my due date if nothing is progressing, they will schedule a date to be induced. So for sure by 10/10/10, I will have my baby in my arms! It's crazy knowing that!
All this to say...I'm READY! I cannot wait to go into labor and have this sweet little girl! I can't wait to meet her and hold her and look at her and see who she looks like. I can't wait to dress her in her cute girl clothes and put ribbons and bows in her hair (assuming she has any...and even if she doesn't, I can still put headbands on her head!). I am excited to rock her and nurse her and put her to bed in her bright room. I am excited to see Elijah with her and watch them interact. I know she will love just looking at him and watching him as she gets older, and I think he will be a very good big brother to her. I am so ready for our family to be a family of 4 instead of 3! It's just so exciting!
Anyway...just wanted to say I'm ready! I want her to grow a little more in my tummy before she comes out, but after 37 weeks, I'll be happy with her coming at any time! If she wants to go ahead and be a September baby, that's totally fine with me! :)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
New Adventures...
Anyway, we made some adventurous plans for next summer which I think will really be fun to try to achieve and work towards all year! I am going to go through the entire 90 days of P90X as soon as I can exercise after having this baby. Then I'm going to start running, and we are going to do at least a 10k together next summer, but our big goal is to do a half marathon together at the end of next summer! Also, we are going to try to get in really great shape this year and to take a fun vacation just the two of us somewhere next summer where we'll have to show off our awesome bodies! that's not the point of the vacation, it's really just to get away and have fun together, but will be great to work towards that all year!
That's all we're for sure planning right now, but just making these plans has made us both more excited and has added a little "pep" in our step as we go throughout our days! It's fun to have a husband who wants to plan things with me and who encourages me to still be young and live life to its fullest even when life seems so full of responsibility and structure! :)
Thursday, July 8, 2010
A Whole Lot of Nothing
I have less than 3 months until I have this baby. I will be in my 3rd trimester on Saturday! I can hardly believe I'm already at that just doesn't seem real. I want to enjoy this time left with just one kid, but I am so anxious to meet our new little one! I feel very ready to add another member to our family!!! Plus, it's a little girl, and I won't be outnumbered anymore!
Elijah is such a boy. All I hear day in and day out is AJ and Elijah going back and forth with things like "ppppphhhhht...oh! You farted, Daddy!"..."pppppphhhhht...oh! You farted, Elijah!" I mean, seriously? I have to admit that it makes me laugh, though, and I do love having a boy. I never thought I would like it that much because boys are gross and I didn't want to deal with all the boy stuff that I had no idea how to handle, but it's been pretty easy! Elijah has changed my perspective on boys. Sure they're gross sometimes, but they are also so sweet to their mommy's. :) He can always make me laugh and he is always willing to help me out with whatever I need.
I have been working on Aliyah's room a lot lately. It's so cute. I love it. I love that it is mostly yellow, with some pink and white. It is bright and cheery and girly. She's gonna love her room! I have even gotten crafty! I made a ribbon mobile that turned out EXACTLY how I imagined it would! I was so excited! I didn't have instructions...I kinda just went with it, but it's perfect! Elijah walked into Ali's room after I hung it up and said "WOW! COOL!" So, I think it's a hit! :)
Well, I don't have much to blog about...just hadn't updated in a while. It's a rainy day here, which I'm actually enjoying a lot. I kinda needed a mellow day. It has seemed so busy around here lately! I hope you all have a great rest of the week/weekend!
Friday, June 25, 2010
A Simple Text...
Friday, June 18, 2010
I've been MYSELF!!!
Anyway, you're probably wondering what inspired me. Well, I was working full time and taking care of a little baby and I kept our house so clean all the time! I loved how it was arranged in the videos (it went through a couple changes in those 6 months) and I loved how clean it looked. I have been having a hard time keeping our house clean since AJ got home! It's like it has doubled my workload and with Elijah being older and wanting to play with his toys all over the house, it just gets to be crazy around here sometimes! But, I figured if I could keep it clean back then, I can surely keep it very clean now! So I woke up with a purpose this morning, and spent the next few hours cleaning and rearranging our house! It feels great and I'm motivated to keep it that way and even go ahead and get the baby's room done, too. I'm just going to have be diligent about it and ask the boys to pick up their stuff whenever they can!
Have you guys ever been inspired by your former selves?
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
It doesn't seem possible...
Anyway, back to what I was saying...I was thinking about how much I love Elijah. I don't have the same sort of expectations for Elijah that I do with other people. He makes mistakes probably more than anyone else in my life, yet I never feel let down by him. It's like I just realize that he will make mistakes and that's okay. It is easier for me to show him grace than anyone else in my life. He's 3, so he is learning how to live life. He's learning what behavior is acceptable and what isn't. He's learning the things he should or shouldn't say to people. He's learning to live! Every time I look at him, my heart is FULL with love. So, I guess that's how I love him differently than anyone else.
I was also thinking about Aliyah. I haven't even met her yet, but I feel like I'm already getting a glimpse of her personality in the way she kicks or moves or reacts to people touching my tummy. I'm so excited to see what she looks like and to just really get to know her, but it just doesn't seem possible to love her as much as I love Elijah. That sounds bad, I know, but I just can't see how I can have that much love to give. And sometimes I wonder if loving another child will take away from loving Elijah. Everyone tells me that it is possible to love all your children as much as each other, so I know that will happen. But when I really think about how much I love Elijah, it just seems impossible! Luckily, God makes the impossible possible, and I know I will love her just as much as Elijah and that won't take anything away from Elijah. I'm excited to see for myself how this happens. It excited me to think about loving another little child as much as I love Elijah! I'm so blessed already with the perfect husband for me and the perfect son for me...and it overwhelms me to think I am also being blessed with the perfect daughter for me! Praise the Lord for His blessings! I do not deserve them, but I am very thankful for them!! :)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Crazy dream, Crazy boy, Not-So Crazy Life
Anyway, I decided to paint Aliyah's room yellow and white. I'm going to do 3 walls white, and the wall with the crib on it a bright yellow. I would love to find a cute saying or something in white letters to put up on the yellow wall, but first I would just like to get it painted! I actually priced out the primer, paint, and supplies today, so we'll be getting it sometime soon.
I had the WIERDEST dream last night! The gyst of if is that I went into labor at 26 weeks. I gave birth to a boy and we were so shocked that instead of naming him Lincoln like we wanted to, we accidentally named him Blinkin! Then I asked if we could change it, and it just seemed like too much work so I was thinking of keeping the name. I couldn't understand why they told me that I was having a girl when I had a boy, so I asked and they said that I had another baby in there that would probably come at 9 months like she was supposed to. I just couldn't grasp that I was having twins, but they would be born 4 months apart! Crazy! AJ had left right after I had the baby, and my mom and sister were there, but they didn't seem concerned about anything except what channel to watch on TV. And to top it all off, I realized that I had only fed the baby once in 3 days! I kept forgetting to feed him, but he was still so happy. Needless to say, I was so happy when I finally woke up!!
So that's it...I hope you're all enjoying your summer so far!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Bedding for Aliyah

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Hardest Secret to Keep!
We found out on May 10 that it was a possibility that we were having a little girl, but her legs were crossed and the tech. could not get a perfect shot, so she had us come in a week later. AJ couldn't come with me the second time, and the whole morning my stomach was sick and I was so nervous! I think I had gotten it in my head that it was a girl and I was trying to convince myself that it could still be a boy! I really would have been happy either way. There are so many benefits of having both, so I was just trying to remind myself that I didn't care either way...but that's easier said than done when you have the thought in your head of who it might be! Anyway, the tech didn't say anything at first about the gender...just showed me the hands, feet, legs, head, and face. Then out of nowhere she said "Yes, I just cannot see any hint of a boy, and I see all girl parts!" I still wasn't sure if that was her telling me it was a girl or if she was just saying she couldn't see boy parts. So I didn't get excited yet. Then she showed me the three beautiful lines that show it's a girl and I saw them throughout the rest of the ultrasound. She said she had just wanted us to come back because she didn't want to say it was a girl JUST BECAUSE she didn't see boy parts. She did see girl parts but wanted just to make sure. She said "Congratulations! You're having a little girl!" I was sooooo happy!!!
I'm not sure if I shared this yet or not, but Elijah has been in LOVE with this baby since he saw the first ultrasound a couple weeks ago. He talks to her all the time now, he cuddles with her, he kisses her, and he hugs her. He calls her by name and it makes my heart so happy to know that he has already accepted the fact that there will be a new person in our family. When he talks about our family, it's not just Daddy, Mommy, and Elijah anymore. It's Daddy, Mommy, Elijah, and Baby! It's really sweet. When the tech. said it was a girl, Elijah jumped up on the bed with me and kissed my tummy and started talking to her! I think that was my favorite part of the day...even better than hearing "It's a girl!"
Anyway, we were able to tell my family last night. We had them over to our house and we showed them Elijah's Birthday video. They didn't know that the gender of the baby would be on there, so I was really excited for their reactions! It was the funniest thing in the world because when the last picture came up with Elijah holding a "It's a girl!!!" sign, the room was completely silent! I was like "did everyone just see that?!" I guess that it was an emotional video and my sister was trying not to cry! And then Emily realized she should be clapping or something, so she started clapping and I just had to laugh. Lesson learned...don't show an emotional video if you're expecting a jump up and down reaction! We had a fun night, though, and played games and hung out! :)
Check out the new poll at the side of my page! We are sure of the first name, but not so sure on the middle name! Thanks for voting before! Most of you were right! I voted boy because I was sure it was a boy! One other person was wrong, too, but the rest were right! So great job! :)
Friday, May 21, 2010
New Background
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Happiest Little Boy I Know
As I have watched Elijah grow, I have seen his personality come out in different and new ways every day. He has become such a creative little guy. He plays with his toys and makes them talk to each other now, he draws things that actually resemble what he's trying to draw. He knows his ABC's and loves to sing and dance. He makes up stories and can now tell us exactly how he's feeling and why he's feeling that way! He is the funniest person I know. He can make me laugh so hard that I start crying on a daily basis! He loves Curious George and Dora. He likes to pick out his own clothes. His favorite thing to do is go to the "castle park" and play hide and seek. He is the happiest little boy I know and can make ANY situation fun! He is just becoming more and more independent every day.
When I look at Elijah, I sometimes just feel overwhelmed and awed that he is MY son and that I get to be a part of his life forever. I feel so lucky to have him and to hear him call me "Mommy" every day. I get to hear him say his prayers every night and hear him say "I love you, Mommy!" every day! I get to be the one he runs to when he gets hurt because he wants a kiss. I get to be the one to jump up and down with him whenever he is excited about something! I get to be the one to help him make up crazy songs or stories. I just am so lucky, and even though it is sometimes (or all the time) a lot of work being a mom, I LOVE it! I wouldn't trade a single day with him for anything else in the world. I feel like I have a purpose in life when I'm around I was made just to be his mom or something. It's a great feeling, and I'm so thankful for him!
So, anyway, I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to my little stinks. He has brought more joy than I deserve to my life, and I'm excited to see him become a big brother this year and see the changes that will happen because of that in him! It's going to be a fun ride watching him grow every year! :) I love you, Lij!!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Today could be the day??
We had a great time in Minnesota! It was my favorite time we've ever visited! I think part of that may have been how sweet AJ's mom was! She kept telling me over and over how beautiful I looked! Who doesn't want to hear that?! :) It was so nice! We went to see Iron Man 2, went to the aquarium at the mall of America, went to a Twins game, went out with the siblings, and went to Deluth! It was a fun-filled week and felt so great to relax together and enjoy each other's company. Plus, AJ's mom surprised us by telling us she's coming to visit after the baby is born! That will be lots of fun, and we're really excited because no one from AJ's family has seen our new house! We have a lot to do before they come like decide where we will sleep when they're here, but it will all work out and be awesome!
Well, this is my first week of summer vacation and I have a lot planned. I want to weed the side of our house and get mulch put down, clean out the fridge, catch up on ALL the laundry, organize AJ's and my room upstairs, plan our blue/pink party for Friday night, go to a doctor's appointment, and maybe start planning the baby's room! I really hope we can find out what the baby is today! If you read this and think of it, say a prayer that the baby shows us all its parts! :) I'll explain about being modest AFTER the baby is born!!! ;)
Have a great week everyone!!!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!!
Anyway, I was thinking a lot this weekend about the mother's who have inspired me. There are so many, but I thought I would focus this post on the mother's in my family who have encouraged me and taught me different things that I hope to use in my own mothering. mother! I love my mom! She has always been one of my favorite people ever. When I was little, I wanted to be with her all the time and I loved to show off for her and make her proud. My mom ALWAYS encouraged me and let me know that I could do anything I set my mind to! As I grew older, she became more of a mentor. I would ask her for advice...sometimes following her advice and sometimes not...and I would go to her for comfort when things went wrong. I told her everything about everything! After I left for college, she became one of my best friends. I guess the thing biggest thing I learned from her is to be a mother when my children need that and a friend as they get older and need that. She is my favorite example of a mom, and I always feel so blessed when I realize that she is MY mom and I get to keep her forever! :)
The next mother I want to talk about is my sister Nikki. I remember when she first had Nick. I was in 8th grade, and the week after she had him, she brought him to one of my volleyball games and let me carry him down the bleachers to introduce him to my friends! She was always so proud to show him off, and she was really relaxed about letting other people hold him. I always loved that, and when I had Elijah, I let anyone and everyone hold him and took him everywhere right after he was born! It really was so fun to show him off! :) Another thing I have been learning from her is to let my kids be who they want to be. This is going to be hard for me because I want my kids to dress how I want them to dress or act how I want them to act, but she has showed me that it's important to let them be who they are! Her kids always talk to her about things and love to be with their family at home, and I think a huge part of that is that she lets them dress and act how they want. They feel like she truly accepts them no matter what. That is a great mom! I also feel so blessed that she is my sister and that she loves Elijah just as much as I have always loved her kids! It's so neat that my son loves his Aunt Nikki and is always really excited to see her!
Next on the list...Christi! I am not a creative person AT ALL, but she is! She is the most creative person I have ever met. She always seems to find such joy in creating different projects and showing them off. She has always let her kids create things, too. She comes up with really neat projects to do with them and really develops their creative sides. I want to do that with my kids, too...even though it is much harder for me since I do not know the first thing about being artistic! Kids like to create things, though, and I need to allow Elijah to do that more. I need to just let him get messy and try things out! I'm really happy that Rick married Christi because she is so much fun to have in our family! :)
Now to Emily. Emily has become such a great friend to me and someone that I can talk to about the ups and downs of my life. And a lot of those ups and downs have to do with my son! I always tell her this, but I admire how she is ALWAYS prepared as a mom! She always has a hundred snacks in her diaper bag or purse just in case her kids get fussy, she makes them great lunches and plays with them and shows them she loves them all the time. She is great at disciplining her kids without seeming too harsh. She can say one word and Hunter will stop in his tracks and listen to her. She adores Sophie and I can already tell that they have that special mother-daughter bond that every daughter wants. She also loves the Lord so much and teachers her kids even now about Jesus and reads them Bible stories and prays with them all the time. I look up to her a lot and I think she does such a great job not only of being a mom but also a wife!
Anyway, I was just thinking of these ladies today and wanted to say how much I appreciate them and love them and look up to them! They are great women! I think it's so neat that God places people in your lives to teach you how to be a wife, mom, and friend. We would be lost without those examples!
Happy Mother's day, Moms! I hope you enjoy being with your family today, and I hope that you feel appreciated! You all deserve it! :)
Friday, May 7, 2010
19 Weeks...
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
A Soccer Mom Dream
I have only been a mom for 3 years and I already feel like I've failed at a lot of things. I feel like I don't spend enough time with Elijah. I feel like I don't do enough creative and fun things with him. I feel like I don't read him enough Bible stories or pray with him enough or talk to him about Jesus enough. I have been FAR from perfect.
I want Elijah to think back to his childhood as a fun and happy time in his life. I want him to have good memories of the things we did together and be proud to say that we are his parents. It seems like I have so far to go to become the mother I want to be and the example for Elijah that I want to be, and now we have another little soul coming into our lives soon.
It is such a huge responsibility to have kids and to raise kids. I mean, we are the first adults they see and learn from. We are their whole world for the first 5 years of their life! I am not at all where I want to be in my walk with Christ, or as a person. And I have felt such an urgency lately to get things together so that the person Elijah remembers when he grows up is a woman who was devoted to Christ and devoted to her husband and devoted to her children. I know I will never be perfect, but I can't just let that be it. I need to always be striving to be better, if not for myself, then for my children.
I'm excited to meet this new little one that is set to arrive in October, and it does make me happy to think that even though I'm not perfect by any means, I am the perfect mom for Elijah and this new baby. God picked me to be their mom, and I feel so blessed. I couldn't ask for a better son than Elijah! He is funny and smart and sweet! He can always put a smile on my face, and I'm excited to see what this new baby's personality will be, too! :)
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Last week of school this week! YES! And...even more week from tomorrow is when we get to see our baby on the ultrasound and hopefully find out if it is a he or she!! I can't wait to see that little miracle on the screen and feel even more like I am pregnant and there really is a baby in there! :) I'll let you guys know how it goes! :) You may have to wait a while to find out the gender, though, because we're leaving for Minnesota right after the ultrasound for the week! Suspenseful, right?! :) Have a great week!
Monday, April 26, 2010
I finally get it...
I have always had the problem of feeling guilty for who I am and the things I have done or do on a daily basis. I have always felt like I just needed to work harder to be close to God. I have always felt like I haven't done my part to be in the Word as much as I should or praise God for everything. But this weekend, Beth said that being a secure woman means to BELIEVE that God LOVES us and FORGIVES us. That's it! He FORGIVES us! He died on the cross for MY sins...ALL of them! I don't have to feel guilty. I just need to BELIEVE that He has already paid the price for everything I have or will do in my life! The most significant part of the conference for me was when we were singing the last worship songs, and I just bowed my head and said "God, I BELIEVE that you love me, and I BELIEVE that you have forgiven me!" I can't tell you how free I felt for the first time in my life! The emotion I felt just swept over me, and I could barely contain the tears! I AM FREE!! And I can be SECURE in the fact that even if no one else loves me or accepts me, GOD DOES!!! And isn't that what truly matters?
There was so much that I learned, which I will share throughout the rest of this week, but I just wanted to share with you all the FREEDOM that I feel now! I am so thankful to the Lord for working it out that I would hear this message at this exact time in my life! :) It's like it was meant just for me! (And I'm sure a lot of other women felt that way, too!) Enjoy your weeks, and I hope you all realize that God loves YOU...FULLY and UNCONDITIONALLY!!!!!!! And not only that, but if you are a believer or want to be...HE FORGIVES YOU COMPLETELY!!!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
These are our answer...
BOY: Lincoln Harrison Maldonado
GIRL: Aliyah Grace Maldonado (and we would call her Ali)
I love them and I can't wait to see the ultrasound and to be able to call him or her Lincoln or Aliyah! :) Alright...that's all for now! :)
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Oh Springtime, How I Love You!!
I had another doctor's appointment on Thursday morning before school. It went really well and I got to hear the heartbeat again. I was crazy excited to know that nothing is wrong and the baby is still growing in there! We also made an appointment for an ultrasound on May 10! I can't wait to find out if this is a boy or a girl. It will be so nice to call him/her by name! I still think it's a boy, but my husband is convinced it's a girl. We shall see! We actually decided that we are both going to plan something super fun to do with Elijah after our ultrasound and we will do whoever's plans that was right about the gender! So I'm excited!
I made this amazing peach/strawberry crunch on Wednesday! I also made taco salad and we had BLT's this week, too. All of those things made me truly feel like it was finally Spring! I love this feeling! And people have been mowing and we have been opening our windows and getting that fresh cut grass smell in our FAVORITE smell EVER! I love this time of year!
Well, that's about it except that AJ and I had a date night last night! Ross and Emily watched Lij and we went shopping and out to eat. It was so nice. We got a Blueray DVD player because our DVD player was skipping all the time. I love it! AND AJ got me a computer for my birthday! (which is in like 2 weeks) I was so excited! It's an HP and it's white. It's small and wasn't very expensive, but perfect for me! My other computer hasn't worked for about 6 months. I think AJ got tired of always having to share his computer with me!
A last thing I want to leave you with...if you like BBC movies or movies like Pride and Prejudice, then you should watch the show Lark Rise to Candleford on youtube! It's soooooooooo good! Emily got me started on it and I can't stop watching! It's probably one of my favorite shows ever!
Well, enjoy your weekends! We are watching Hunter and Sophie overnight tonight, so we will be having so much fun! :)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Children's Resale #2!
Now I'm sitting at home enjoying some alone time while AJ and Elijah are gone. AJ wanted to take Elijah to the movie "How to Train Your Dragon." Elijah was really excited about his night out with his daddy. And Mommy was really excited for a little bit of complete alone time! You need that from time to time! :) I'm happy that AJ and Elijah will come home at the end of the night, though!
I'm in my last week of my 1st trimester this week! I can hardly believe I'm so far along! I forgot I was pregnant yesterday morning! Elijah had his cousin (and best friend) Hunter spend the night on Thursday night, and we took them to McDonald's for breakfast Friday morning and they were playing in the play area and I went up to play with them and pulled myself up on my tummy and later I was like oh yeah! I'm pregnant, probably shouldn't be crawling around on my tummy! happens. When I was pregnant with Elijah, I was 3 days overdue and playing dodgeball at my brother Rick's house with his kids and AJ and Rick. I was so into the game that I dove on my stomach for the ball. Everyone looked at me like "what are you doing?!" and then I realized that was probably not a good idea. I was nervous right after that until I felt Elijah moving around like crazy. I need to be more careful!
We went to Emily's parents church on Friday night and had an easter egg hunt and Mexican dinner! It was a lot of fun, and Elijah was really excited to find the eggs and get a cool Easter basket! We had a great weekend. I hope you all did, too! :) Looks like we're going to be getting nicer weather again this week!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!! :)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
summer plans order to motivate me to get through the rest of the school year, I am going to make a list of things I'm excited to do this summer!
~walk all over Nappanee
~go to the park with AJ and Elijah
~take Elijah to swim lessons
~go to the beach!!!
~take a trip to Indianapolis to go to the zoo, the children's museum, and walk around the city
~ride our bikes
~go to Minnesota
~go camping
Hmm...that's all I can think of right now, but it's enough to make me happy. I am just going to push through these next 5 weeks of school and be happy that I have my husband home this year and that I have a 3 day weekend every weekend. I guess my life is pretty good, huh? :) I've got NOTHING to complain about!
I hope you're all enjoying the weather! And if you haven't seen my poll at the top right of my page, vote on what you think our baby is going to be! It's just fun to see what people think we're going to have! So far I'm the only one who thinks it's a boy! :)
Friday, March 19, 2010
Mommyhood...the second time around...
I'm so excited for Elijah to be a big brother! He always will say hi to the baby and kiss my tummy, which I think is so adorable. He also always tells us it's going to be a baby girl! I don't know what he'll think if it's a boy, but I'm sure he'll love the new baby just the same! It is going to be so different having two kids! I'm a little nervous, but mostly excited! It's really fun having a family and expanding that family!
Anyway, I want to start blogging again, so I thought this would be a good time since I have a new baby on the way. I can keep you up to date on the latest pregnancy things and the way Elijah reacts to things. Maybe no one cares, but it should be fun for me to look back on later at least!'s to a fresh start on blogging! Let's make it last this time! :)