Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Thoughts On...


So, I formula-fed Elijah because I knew I was going back to work after 3 months and it just seemed like the best option for me at the time. I was also kind of wierded out about breastfeeding, so it was an easy decision for me not to do it. Well, 3 years later, I felt completely different on the subject of breastfeeding. I had talked to my sister in law Emily about it a lot and some other people and I really had such a desire to breastfeed this time. I was told it might hurt at first, but that it was worth it if you stick it out.

I am 2 and a half weeks into breastfeeding my little girl and I feel like I have learned so much and am close to being a pro at it! I have to say, though, that it was not at all what I expected. Here are my thoughts on it...

~ It hurts like CRAZY at first! I had to wait til Monday to see a lactation consultant at the hospital, and Aliyah was born Sunday evening, so for that whole first day I was doing it wrong. Well, that resulted in me being VERY sore and dreading every single time that Aliyah was hungry!

~I feel like I am a machine at times, and my whole purpose in life is to provide milk for my baby any time she's hungry! (which is ALL THE TIME it seems!)

~I have been avoiding going out in public with Aliyah too much because I am afraid of having to feed her in public.

These thoughts were mostly what I had the first couple weeks, but the last few days...these are my new thoughts on breastfeeding....
~I am amazed after this easy delivery and breastfeeding my baby girl what my body is capable of. I have a new love for it and a big desire to take care of it and get back into the shape I'm meant to be in!

~I love that I am the only one who feeds Aliyah. I love that I make milk that is perfectly formulated for her little body. It's amazing and quite a miracle. I feel blessed that I get to experience this.

~It no longer hurts like crazy, so I no longer dread feeding her. She also seems to be going a little bit longer between meals and eating more during her feedings, which has enabled me to get some much needed cleaning done and do some things that I like doing by myself.

~She is such a happy baby. She only cries when she's hungry, and she doesn't seem to have tummy problems the way Elijah always did from formula feeding. He used to have the hardest time pooping, and she doesn't have those problems.

~I wish I could go back and breastfeed Elijah. I feel like I cheated him out of something really good, but I look at him and realize that he's fine, healthy, and happy, and it makes me feel like it's okay. I would do it differently if I could go back, but I can't so there's no point in regretting my decision not to breastfeed him.

~I LOVE not having to wash a lot of bottles! We don't have a dishwasher, so it's nice that I never have to wash one!

~It is so convenient to feed her at night! She is sleeping in our room with us right now, so I just have to sit up, feed her, maybe change her if she needs it, then lay down and go right back to sleep! I feel WAY LESS sleep deprived than I ever did with Elijah! It's really nice! I plan on transistioning her into her own room by 6 weeks, but I'm really enjoying this this time with her right now!

Well, these are my thoughts on breastfeeding! I am still quite new at it, so I'm sure I'll have more thoughts on it later, but I am really glad I chose to do this! It has been a great decision for us! :) And, if anyone ever wanted advice, I would say stick it out because it gets much easier and less painful the more you do it! :)

1 comment:

krissilugbill said...

I'm so happy that you are breastfeeding and loving it!! it's so true, it is really not that hard once you just get past the hurting part! and the bonding is so so wonderful and in so many ways its easier. So happy its going well for you :)