Friday, June 18, 2010

I've been MYSELF!!!

I have been inspired by my former self. AJ and I watched Elijah's baby videos last night. I have been thinking about how different it's going to be with a new baby in the fall. I was having a hard time even remembering what it was like! So, we watched Lij's baby videos. Let me tell you...I'm so excited now! I forgot how fun it is to just love on a little baby and watch them grow and change. Elijah went from just making funny noises to making funny faces, laughing, smiling, rolling over, scooting, and crawling! We stopped watching it when he was around 6 months. He was so adoreable and I am so excited to have another little baby to take care of! It'll be especially nice to have Elijah with us this time to enjoy the whole thing with us.

Anyway, you're probably wondering what inspired me. Well, I was working full time and taking care of a little baby and I kept our house so clean all the time! I loved how it was arranged in the videos (it went through a couple changes in those 6 months) and I loved how clean it looked. I have been having a hard time keeping our house clean since AJ got home! It's like it has doubled my workload and with Elijah being older and wanting to play with his toys all over the house, it just gets to be crazy around here sometimes! But, I figured if I could keep it clean back then, I can surely keep it very clean now! So I woke up with a purpose this morning, and spent the next few hours cleaning and rearranging our house! It feels great and I'm motivated to keep it that way and even go ahead and get the baby's room done, too. I'm just going to have be diligent about it and ask the boys to pick up their stuff whenever they can!

Have you guys ever been inspired by your former selves?


Jessica said...

did you guys take a lot of videos of elijah growing up? that is one thing i wished i would have done more. i didn't even tape greyson digging into his first birthday cake...i know, what kind of mom am i!?! i will definitely have to do better the next time around. stay inspired vikki! it is no easy task to keep things clean with a little one, but you can do it!

krissilugbill said...

its funny cause i think your house is always clean and soooo cute! i love how you decorate. but, it is cool that you inspired yourself! haha and so cool that you taped lij growing up, how fun now you get to look back. :)

Unknown said...


We have lots in common, I tell ya! We are going to be GOOD blogger friends! :)

2. We want to raise our family right.
3. we are mommy's! :)
4. You love the color mustard yellow (background of blog!) I DO TOO!
:) SEE? that's just the beginning! :)

Would love for you to come follow me back on my blog!!! GOD BLESS!