Sunday, August 3, 2008

always there, always willing to show us grace

the women of faith conference was really amazing this weekend. i learned so much. i definitely think sheila walsh was my favorite speaker, but i did really like what sandy patty had to say as well. her message probably hit me the most because she was talking about her self image and how she's finally so happy and joyful on the inside that she is ready now to look as good on the outside as she feels on the inside. it was just such motivation for me to really stay strong on exercising and to eat a lot better. i have felt so bad about the way i look ever since elijah was born...and now i feel like i finally have the right motivation. my body does not reflect how i feel inside right now...i want to look as beautiful on the outside as i feel on the inside. and i need to take care of myself...both physically and spiritually. the only way i'll be able to lose weight is if i have God's help. anyway...i'm excited about that.

another thing that really hit me was this skit that nichole johnson did. it showed how the tongue is a flame and it can destroy your family and the people around you if you don't control it. that hit me because sometimes when i'm angry i just say things in a mean way or just say things i shouldn't say. when sheila walsh was summing up the weekend at the end of the conference, she said that as women we have the peculiar ability to determine the temperature of our home, whether it be a home of love or a home of hurt and anger. we need to be careful with our tongues. i definitely want our home to be a home of love...a home of encouragement. i want to respect my husband enough to be loving to him even when i'm angry. and i want my kids to always feel encouraged and never hurt or belittled. it's hard to control your tongue when you're angry, but i know that with God's help i can definitely do it!

and my favorite thing in the conference was when lucy swindol said that as humans we are prone to wander. our hearts are always going to want to wander from the Lord. that's a perfectly normal things for humans. i wander so often from God. sometimes i will be really on fire for Him and wanting to spend all my time thinking about Him and spending time with Him, and other times i will have a hard time reading my Bible or praying. but regardless of how far we've strayed, God is ALWAYS there...He NEVER leaves us or forsakes us. He loves us no matter what. isn't that such a wonderful thing to be reminded of? i need to hear that for sure. He is the only one who never leaves us. Lucy said that grace makes us feel surprised, unworthy, and thrilled because we don't deserve it. how true! we do not deserve it, but it's wonderful that God gives us infinite grace. it's always there.

i felt from the very start that God wanted to speak to me because during the first prayer the lady prayed for those who were serving our country outside the country. it made me feel like God wanted to remind me that He is protecting His people serving in iraq. and just because a.j. is leaving me for a year, he's not leaving God! God is going with Him! and He's also staying with me! it makes me feel like there is really going to be such a connection with a.j. and i because we will be linked by God. and He's going to protect a.j. and He has a.j.'s best interest at hand. He loves a.j. more than i ever i don't have to be scared for him. i feel completely at peace now with him going. whatever happens will be God's plan...and God's plan is perfect!

i'm sure there's a lot more that i learned that i can't think of right now. and if i didn't describe this well enough, i'm sorry. just know that i had an amazing time and that i felt God's presence with me this weekend!

plus, when i came home last night, a.j. gave me the HUGEST hug and kiss, and then when elijah saw me, he RAN to me and hugged me really tight!!! it was the best welcome home ever! :) i'm blessed!!


Jessica said...

thanks for sharing some of the thoughts about the conference. isn't it awesome how God meets us where we are and speaks to us exactly when and how we need it! i'm glad you were able to go. and that is SOOO cute about elijah. i can't wait until greyson is old enough to run to me and hug me. well, yes i can, but it will be special when he can!

Lyndi said...

I think you summed up the weekend really good! And I'd almost have to say that I think my favs were your favs too! I always love hearing Sheila Walsh and Sandi Patty and even though Luci Swindol doesn't look like she's going to have something to say that will relate to me she usually always does. And I totally agree with what you said about Nicole Johnson's burning tongue skit!!!

I'm glad you were able to go this weekend! Isn't it the best when your kids can "run" to give you a hug?

The McWhirts said...

oh my...i just read jessica's post and then i read yours and i have tears in my eyes. God is awesome isn't he? i think it's so amazing how he spoke to each of you individually and gave you exactly what you needed to fill your heart. thank you for sharing how God spoke to you at the conference. i can definatly relate to you on the battle of self-image and the flaming tongue. these have both been a struggle for me for a while. i needed to be reminded that God loves me regardless and that i need to focus on my inner beauty first. i admire your faith and your courage to share it. and i'm so glad that you have found a sense of peace about aj leaving for iraq. God will be faithful!