Tuesday, September 9, 2008

a whole lot of nothing...

i started working out last friday. i'm doing this hour long video every day except sundays. i really like it and it is such a great workout! i started getting up at 6 to do the video before i go to work. it's such a great feeling to go through my day knowing i worked out! plus, i still have lots of time after work to go on a walk or run or play tennis if i want! i'm excited about that. :)

elijah is imitating EVERYTHING lately! a.j. and i were praying before our meal the other day and after we were done, elijah looked down and started talking....he was praying! it was the cutest thing! and a.j. said something that made me laugh the other day and i hit him on the arm (you know...how girls always do to their husbands/boyfriends), and elijah went up to him and hit him on the arm! i really have to watch what i do now!! i was doing pushups the other day and he got down right next to me and started doing them, too! haha!! he's so funny.

a.j. has to go to minnesota tomorrow until like midnight thursday. he's excited because he's going to stay with his brother roger. i'm excited for him, too. he will be busy all day with army stuff, but it'll be fun at night for him to hang out with roger.

i'm getting excited about fall! i love this cooler weather. i love hooded sweatshirts. and the rain lately has been wonderful. it's nice to have an excuse to just stay in and relax sometimes, isn't it?

i have NOTHING to blog about lately. i'm sure that will change soon enough. just wanted to write an updated post...even though i really didn't say much! hope you all are having a wonderful week!! i can't believe it's already half way over tomorrow! the days are going so fast lately...


scraphappy74 said...

I love when they start imitating you! That is of course what they mean by they do what you do not what you say!
Mark is in Kuwait. He hasn't been able to call yet, but one of the guys got a short message to his wife. He stopped in Shannon, Ireland which I also know from another wife. They should have gotten to Kuwait around noon our time yesterday. I don't know when I will hear from him, but hopefully soon. I am ready for this to be over. Is it yet?

Englund Family said...

Hey I just noticed on myspace that you have a blog so I checked it out. I also have one but it's pretty much Madison's blog for my mom and faily and anyone else long distance since pretty much everyone is long distance for us.:)

I just wanted to leave a comment on your blog about A.J. deploying and feeling overwhelmed and not sure how you were going to make it. As I was reading all that stuff I could totally relate. It's hard to have my best friend and my other half gone BUT all that to say, as I'm sure you know, God helps you through it. There are some hard days naturally but we just do what we have to to stay positive and then hope and pray tomorrow is better. I'm sure you will do great, especially since you will have family around to help and give you a break now and then with Elijah. Also, if you ever need to talk or just vent to someone else who really understands feel free to leave me a comment and if you want I could call. Even after Mike gets back I am here. I would be more than happy to chat! Oh and you are right about the second honeymoon thing. It does feel like you are getting married all over again! It's so exciting. Even holding Mike's hand sent tingles through my body.:) Definitely something to look forward to!

Stephanie Englund

latte_grande said...

Omg, how cute that he's imitating you! We all have our faults, but I think overall you two are FANTASTIC examples for Elijah and God really picked his perfect parents. Even though you beat on your husband occasionally. :)

What do you mean you have nothing to talk about? This post was fantastic! Love you!

Jessica said...

i was starting to wonder about you!! i'm glad you posted-please do so more often and especially post pics of your adorable son!! :) we need to hang out soon. when are you guys free?

also, my mom said if you wanted to bring elijah over on friday when you got off work you could and she can start babysitting anytime you want/need her to. so you can call her if you want-2267.

hope everything else is going well!

The Brown's said...

Supposedly, the blue means boy! That makes me super happy!

The Lantzes said...

way to go Vikki! I am so proud of you!!