Tuesday, September 30, 2008

new dog...

okay, so a.j. and i have been looking for dogs. it's true. i have really wanted one because i know it will make me feel safer next year with a.j. being gone and elijah and i are at the house by ourselves. so we decided to look for one from the humane society. we found one that we thought was so cute...a boxer/whippet mix dog named Josie. she was about a year and really cute in the face and had really short hair. but another family had applied for her and got her, so we kept looking. we found another boxer mix named Hunter. he is really even cuter in the face and just looks adorable. here...see for yourself...

anyway...we filled out the application and on saturday morning we are heading down to kokomo to look at him and pick him up as long as we all get along! i'm really excited. first of all...elijah loves dogs. second of all...having him there really will make me feel safer. and third of all..when i'm lonely at night next year, i'll have a buddy to cuddle with!

so we're excited and really hoping that it will work out! just wanted to update you guys! :)

oh...and by the way...i LOVE staying home with elijah now! LOVE it!!! he's so cute and i get to be with him all the time now!!


allison said...

Ok first off, your a jerk .. honestly last night I was on facebook and you posted about how something exciting was going to happen but you will update later and I turned to Chad and said "oh Vicki has to be pregnant" but you know what though .. this is better! How exciting that your getting a dog! And your getting him from the shelter and helping him out and saving him! Good job : ) Congrats on getting a new dog!

scraphappy74 said...

I can't wait to meet your newest family member! I know Mac is such a comfort to me. I hope Elijah likes the dog when you meet him. I bet he will. Congrats!

Kristina said...

That's so great that you'll be getting a dog! I've really been wanting one too. We both want a puppy but with us both being gone all day long we figured it wouldn't be fair to keep the little one caged up 12 hours a day. So we're waiting until summer when I can be home with him and train him. I hope everything works out for you all!:)

The Lantzes said...

Hey! He is really cute! What ever happened to Etnie? I am glad that you love being home with him! Will you continue to do that? Let me know if you want to get the boys together or if you would like to go to MOTTS!

latte_grande said...

Aaw, he really is adorable!! Now you know this means that Ross and Emily have to get a dog named Elijah, right? :)

Jessica said...

i would love to take pictures of you guys...let me know when!

and did you get the dog????