Wednesday, January 28, 2009

From Mommy to Student in one day!

Well, I figured it was about time to write a blog about how school is going. It's going great! :) I am really enjoying my classes. I think it was the perfect fit for me to go to school when I was older. All the things I'm learning in my classes apply to my life somehow. When I went to Bethel right after high school, I didn't really take it seriously at all. I think now that I'm a wife and a mom I realize how important it is to find my passion...and to find a job that I can go to where I will be happy every day. I know I'm not always going to have a great day, but I should always like my job. So, I'm excited about becoming a teacher now. I am ready to take school seriously. It's been really fun to be at IUSB because a lot of the students and even some of the professors have the same story as I do. They went to college, didn't take it seriously, worked for a while, then decided it was time to go back. It makes me feel so normal. Before I thought maybe something was wrong with me because I didn't want to go to school right away...but now I realize that it was just better for me to wait!

I have really been missing AJ. It is hard not to have him here. It's hard to be a "single mom." And it's hard to have something new and exciting in my life and not be able to share the excitement with AJ in person. On the other hand, AJ is so good at communicating with me. He has made me feel so important. He still manages to be romantic even though he's thousands of miles away. I haven't stopped feeling close to him...which is something I was nervous about before he left. I feel like he is still part of every single day because I talk to him every single day and fill him in on all that happened...and he fills me in on everything that happened with him. God has been so good to us this year in keeping us connected. I feel like He's really blessing our marriage despite the distance.

Elijah is growing so much!!! He's huge now! I don't have a baby anymore...I now have a little boy. It's kinda sad, but I am so impressed with how much he learns every day. He is saying all kinds of words now...he says a bunch of phrases...and he knows some of his colors! He loves to see himself on the webcam so it's nice for AJ because Elijah will sit there and do funny things and AJ can see him! I am so happy to have Elijah with me this year. He is such a joy and every day when I pick him up after school he makes me feel so special. He gets REALLY excited to see me...and that's nice for me. It's good to actually SEE how much he loves me. :) I love him so much, too! And I love AJ so much!

Well, that's the update. How are you all doing?


Erin said...

Hey Vikki!
I read your post about going back to school. I feel the same way about going back after doing other things. I didn't take it seriously before either! Funny how things work out huh? =) Anyways, your little boy is such a cutie, they grow up so fast, dont they?

latte_grande said...

I'm so glad you're enjoying school this time around! I think that's really important, otherwise it's so hard to motivate yourself to go and to do the homework!
I'm also happy that you and AJ are able to communicate via webcam...we are SO blessed with this wonderful technology. I hope the rest of this deployment just flies by for you!