Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mmm...I love the Holidays!

Well, I haven't blogged on here for a while. I feel like I never have that much to talk about, but I miss blogging, so I'm going to try to start it up again! I'm so thankful that it's a three day week of school this week! I'm so ready for a little break. School has been going pretty well, but I am really looking forward to the end of the semester! I think most of the reason is that AJ is home now and I feel like I can't get enough time with him!

It has been so amazing having my husband home! It was a little bit of an adjustment at first just because we hadn't lived in the same house for a year! But once we remembered each other's little annoying habits, it has been great! It's so fun to talk to him every night before we go to sleep and to not even hear the little sounds in our house that I always heard when he was gone! I feel safe and loved and happy! :)

Elijah has been the happiest kid you've ever seen lately! He loves having his daddy home! They play and do crazy things all the time! He loves having both of us around and is always randomly saying "grandma hug!" which actually means group hug, he just forgets the word is group and not grandma!

This week is going to be very busy! I have two tests tomorrow, then I'm done with school for 4 days! Then Emily and I are going to finish getting ready for our Family Fall Fest at our house which is tomorrow night! Then Thursday we are going up to Michigan with my family, and finally on Friday we are going to go get our annual Christmas ornaments, decorate our house for Christmas, and then have another Thanksgiving dinner at my mom and dad's house!

I have to just say that I'm so thankful that God kept AJ safe all year and brought him home safely! I'm also so thankful that somehow He made the year go really fast for me! I had no idea that it would go that fast, and I could never imagine it being over and AJ being home for good, but now he is and we are about to enjoy the holidays together! God is SO GOOD!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

yay, my blogging friend is back! i hope to hear more from you on a regular basis! :) glad you are so happy and enjoying this season in life.