Saturday, November 8, 2008

i'm ready...

this has been such a wonderful week. a.j. didn't work at all this week and we had such a fun time hanging out and just being silly together. we cleaned and organized our house, played with elijah, got a new kitten, took walks, watched movies, took naps together, cuddled, and played games. we had time to really talk about how we were feeling, memories of when we first met, how we're going to get through the year without seeing each other, and how much we are going to miss each other. it has been a sad week, but a great week...and now i feel like i'm ready to conquer this thing...i'm ready for him to leave. i am so proud of him. i believe in the reason we're in iraq, and i know that God is in control of everything. i know that God will be with us both, and that's so comforting. He's our connection this year. i don't want a.j. to leave, but i feel confident that we'll make it and we'll probably be even closer than we even are now.

i had a date night with a.j. tonight. nikki watched elijah for us and we went out to eat at the olive garden. it was really fun. i love spending time with just a.j. he leaves on monday morning, and as much as i don't want him to leave, in a way i'm ready for tuesday to come. i will wake up that morning knowing that a.j. isn't there and i'll start my countdown to when he's coming home again. i really can't wait for this time next year when he'll be either home or close to coming home. that will be so great!

so anyway, if you could keep us in your prayers this weekend, that would be wonderful. we can use all the prayers you can give! :) thanks!


The McWhirts said...

praying for you guys!

scraphappy74 said...

You've got our thoughts and prayers. We love you guys.

Kristina said...

I know you guys will make it through. It will be a trying time but it will all be worth it in the end. You'll have the opportunity to talk for a year and really get to know even more about each other. And deployments definitely help each one realize how much you love each other and how lucky you are to have one another. I'll be praying for you through A.J.'s deployment. Keep us updated on everything!

latte_grande said...

Definitely praying that God will comfort and watch over you both and keep you close to each other! Love you!

ForSuchATimeAsThis said...

~You and AJ inspire me. Vikki, I don't know how you do it. You are so strong! I know that you'll have moments that will be harder than others, and moments that you'll want to break down and cry. . . .and you will, but you will make it through because although you don't have AJ's arms here to hold you-you do have God's. And I know that you'll find comfort there. Just know that Jordan and I will be praying for you guys during this time. We'll pray for strength and encouragement here for you during this time, and then for courage and safety for AJ. Let us know if there is any way that we can help!! Hope you have a wonderful day together with your little family. We'll be thinking and praying for you!~

The Brown's said...

I am praying for you guys! I will pray for a fast year! Take care Vikki!

allison said...

Isn't it amazing how much you guys are loved with everyone supporting you and giving you love and their prayers : ) Just think about how many more people that you don't even know are praying you and A.J. But, just know that we are supporting you and keeping you guys in our prayers.